Tuesday, November 29, 2022

What lengths am I willing to go to in order to do right by every child?

    As a teacher, building trust in the classroom will be very important to me. I will let every student know that their lives are extremely important to me and they are able to reach out to me about anything they want to. I will assure them that they are in a safe and friendly environment in my classroom and any negative or scary situations they can talk to me about and I will give them the best advice or care. I will also make sure my classroom is like a family and teach them how to handle people of different backgrounds because that is something that will play a huge role in them being successful growing up.

What support do you need during COVID-19? - Center for the Professional  Education of Teachers

    It is so important as educators that we are giving each student the opportunity to be heard and listen to in the classroom. This can involve looking through each curriculum and developing a plan to have the ones who connect with it share their experiences. This was seen in “The Culturally Responsive Teacher” when they had given an example of an immigrant student that would learn more and also inform her fellow classmates if in social studies she was able to tell her side of her immigration story or have her parents talk about their experiences. This will help connect the topic they are learning with real experiences that their classmates have gone through. As teachers this connection helps build a bridge between students home lives and their school lives helping them become comfortable in the classroom.

How Does Gender Affect the Teaching Profession?

How Does Gender Affect The Teaching Profession? – Let Us Teach Art!

The first male teacher I had was in the 6th grade. Because of this growing up I always assumed that teaching was more for women than it was for men. This confused me growing up because people with higher power like principals and superintendents were almost always males. It took some time until I realized that the reason for this was because men are more respected as teachers than female teachers are despite females making up the majority of educators. Women are seen as caregivers in society which is the reason why 97% of preschool teachers are women and with each year the percentages get lower until there is only 47% of women teaching beyond highschool level. It isn’t fair for women to be the only ones expected to be caregivers and not fair for guys to be rejected from jobs that involve caregiving.

I believe that since teaching is seen as a prominent female job that this could be the reason why the pay is so low. Also despite the low wages, women typically still willingly look into teaching as a career because it’s a job that involves the most child bearing responsibilities which is a reason why women usually go for lower age grades. I believe these factors are just some of the man reasons why gender plays a huge role in the teaching profession and I think we still have a long way until it will be equal

It's 2022, why are schools still segregated?

     Still in 2022, there has been a lack of progress when it comes to schools with a majority of minority students. Almost six decades ago,...